So, we are going to learn today how to make a voucher when you don't have a voucher book. Start by taking a piece of paper and divide it into two parts, just like I have already done here. The first thing we need to write is the date. This will be the date of the voucher, not the date you're writing it, but the date of the transaction. Since I am making the voucher today, I will write the date as May 1st, 2014. After that, we need to mention how the money was spent. Was it spent in cash, from the bank, through an online transaction, by check, or with an ATM card? Once we understand how the money was utilized, we need to know who received it. Was it used for office expenses, food expenses, or administrative expenses? Write down wherever the money was spent. If necessary, you can add a small section for narration. This allows you to include any additional details about the transaction. For example, if you're buying a ticket, you can mention who traveled and the origin and destination of the journey. Include this information in the narration. Next, mention the amount of money spent. For instance, if you spent 2500 rupees, write down the exact amount as the X amount of money. Finally, you need to have the voucher approved. The person approving the voucher should sign it. For instance, if I am approving this voucher, I will sign it at the end. That's how you can create a voucher when you don't have a voucher book by using a simple piece of paper. Thank you very much.
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Cash Receipt voucher at Form: What You Should Know
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Cash Receipt voucher format